Strict-Transport-Security: HTTPS and HTTPS only

How many times did we, in the early days of internet, type http://www? Thanks to the browser’s integrated search and autocomplete this isn’t the case anymore, most of us just write my-bank.

Content-Security-Policy: you're not on the guest list

Content-Security-Policy works like a guest list for resources, or more like a bouncer with highly specific acceptance criteria. It allows for very granular control on which origins should be allowed and for which cases: specifically for iframes, forms tags, images sources, fonts, XHR or WebSockets connections and plenty more (there are 14 directives).

X-XSS-Protection: a security header gone wrong

In 2010 Chrome shipped a new feature, XSS Auditor, that would prevent unsafe parts of the website to be rendered. Together with XSS Auditor a new HTTP Header was introduced, with which its behaviour could be controlled.